Eaglehawk Hotel Maldon
location - only 90 minutes from melbourne
Contact Information
Eaglehawk Country House Hotel - Maldon
35a Reef Street Maldon Victoria 3463
Phone: +61 0408 242 269
Email: eaglehawkhotelmaldon@icloud.com
Victorian VLine trains run regularly to Castlemaine (every 30 mins to hour). Take a taxi from Castlemaine Railway station to 35A Reef St Maldon. The taxi ride is approximately 15 minutes and will cost about $40.
Driving Directions
From Melbourne: Drive towards Melbourne Airport but take the Calder Freeway (M79) towards Bendigo. Turn left off the Calder Freeway at Fogarty's Gap Road which is signposted as Maldon. The Fogarty's Gap Road turn off is approximately 5 minutes past the second Castlemaine exit. Drive for 12km. Fogarty's Gap road merges with Maldon-Bendigo Road (be VERY careful when merging with Maldon-Bendigo road). Turn right into Allans Road (which is sign posted to Cairn Curran reservoir) and drive for 2km then turn left at Reef St. The Eaglehawk Country House Hotel will be on your right.